The INCOSE International Symposium is an annual gathering of the world leading Systems Engineers. We gather in order to encourage each other within our profession but also to try to learn more about how to make System Engineering even better. While I was mainly there to hawk my SE Scholar business, I did get to see some very interesting talks.
Addressing the future with a better ConOp (or is it better humans we need?)
Delivering Systems in the Age of Globalization
Zen and the Art of Systems Thinking
On June 21, 2017, I had the privilege of speaking to the INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter on the topic of Systems Science, Systems Engineering and Systems Thinking — using the catchy title, "Zen and the Art of Systems Thinking." Here I include the slides and references for those who want to explore my talk in more detail.
Systems Science — an oxymoron?
How is Systems Science an oxymoron? It may come from the fact that studying Systems requires a holistic perspective whereas the fundamental concept of Science is looking at things in a reductionist manner. So how do you reconcile these two fundamentally different approaches into one discipline? Maybe the key is looking and seeing “systems’ everywhere.