SE Blog — SE Scholar

A fun time at the SEP Gala in Baltimore

A fun time at the SEP Gala in Baltimore

Every year the INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter holds a Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) Gala to celebrate local INCOSE members who have gotten the INCOSE SEP Certification (ASEP, CSEP & ESEP). This is my report for the 2016 version. It’s fun to be in the company of friends, peers and colleagues of your chosen profession.

The Future of Engineering (Vision 2025)

The Future of Engineering (Vision 2025)

In 2014 I gave two talks dealing with the newly released INCOSE Vision 2025.  I gesticulated about how difficult it is to predict the future. But System Engineers should be at the forefront of innovation and invention as we bring a holistic point of view to these complex and world spanning problems. So take your place in making a better world and a brighter future.

For those who want more detail, I have links to the videos of my lecture, my slides and all my references. Enjoy.

The Future of Systems Engineering (Vision 2020)

The Future of Systems Engineering (Vision 2020)

The INCOSE CAB organization puts on a Webinar every third Wednesday of the month. They asked me to talk to INCOSE’s SE Vision 2020. Here is the abstract, a pdf of the slides, My responses to the Q&A, and a record of the chat. Enjoy.  

How I was able to become part of the exclusive CSEP club

How I was able to become part of the exclusive CSEP club

My 2006 - 2007 experience in becoming an INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional. Was it hard? You bet. Was it worth it? You bet. Read about my 9 months and 11 day journey to SEP Certification.