About Us

The Beginning

I started SE Scholar because getting your INCOSE SEP Certification is difficult. I found this out personally as I was trying to get my CSEP back in 2006-2007 (read about that experience here), a process that took 9 months and 11 days. These were the early days of INCOSE setting up the Systems Engineering Professional Certification program - the Handbook was version 3 - and when I finished the process my certification number was 00177.  Since this was a new Certification program there were very little resources to help potential SEP candidates learn the Handbook sufficiently in order to pass the test. And so in 2009 I started my little company to help fill that gap.

Read more in my Bio

The Mission

SE Scholar, LLC is a company dedicated to helping Systems Engineers get their INCOSE  SEP certification. Our goal is to reach all Systems Engineers with affordable, high-quality instruction no matter where they live and work!

Contact us

  • info@se-scholar.com

  • paul.martin@se-scholar.com