The Latest News from SE Scholar — SE Scholar

The Latest News from SE Scholar

Go Solo Interview

I got an excellent write-up from Go Solo magazine. It was great to talk to like-minded entrepreneurs. If you’re thinking about starting a business it’s worth checking out the Go Solo website. Not only do they have tens of thousands of Entrepreneur Stories but they have some great advice as well.


My University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) work

It is true that I teach a phenomenally successful INCOSE SEP Certification Exam Preparation course, but for the past 15 years, I also have been an Adjunct Professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Office of Professional Programs, Systems Engineering Graduate Program. Recently I was awarded the COEIT Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award. I was fortunate to participate in UMBC’s Mic’D Up podcast talking about Systems Engineering being a Team Sport.  

Recently I was able to redesign SYST 660 Systems Engineering Principles course which allowed INCOSE to approve it for Academic Equivalency. Because Systems Engineering is all about communications, I assign the students to write a blog post about some kind of Systems Engineering event within the news or from personal experience.  Check out their work at the Systems Engineering Scholar blog.


New Study Notebook

NEW: A Study Notebook for INCOSE SEP Certification Exam Preparation Course [available from Amazon for only $5].

This notebook has over 80 Lined and Blank Pages for taking notes while watching the 23+ hours of video lectures or reading the 305-page INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook. Draw out the IPO diagrams from the lesson. Includes a list of reading assignments for the class.

Includes 31 “Fill in the Process” Pages. Write out the Purpose, Inputs, Outputs, and Activities for each IPO Diagram within the INCOSE SE Handbook.


Free Material

Some material you can download to learn more about the benefits of SE Scholar's INCOSE Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) Certification Exam Preparation Online Course

  • Step 1: Learn the Handbook [by taking my class]

  • Step 2: Take the Exam– and

  • Step 3: Submit the Application

  • I would love to say these are three easy steps but they're anything but easy. However, I’m going to break it down for you so you know what to expect and how I can help you along the way.

And remember, our solution requires: no travel -- no employee time off -- and is extremely cost-effective. And our Guarantee: You pass the INCOSE SEP Exam on the first try or the second try is on us!


New ad in the upcoming Dec 2022 INCOSE Members Newsletter

Check it out.